Vitalethine – “A Vital” Component to Healthy Humoral Immunity

Two back-to-back articles published in a peer-reviewed, international medical journal reported promising health improvements by supporting humoral immunity. Importantly, all current data indicate the humoral immune system is an antibody-mediated process that may be:

  • Absolutely dependent upon the Vitalethine Modulators and
  • Largely responsible for dramatic therapeutic responses observed in mice study models.

Similar human responses can be anticipated from the animal studies since human peripheral blood leukocyte and mouse spleen leukocyte responses are virtually identical when using compounds structurally-related to Vitalethine. Leukocytes are white blood cells of the immune system that protect the body against both infectious disease and foreign materials.

The thiol form of Vitalethine, Vitaletheine, is made naturally in the human body from L-cysteine and pantothenic acid. A thiol is an organic chemistry compound that contains a functional group composed of a sulfur atom and hydrogen atom (-SH). Deficiencies of Vitalethine and Vitaletheine result from malnourishment, metabolic imbalances, and environmental poisoning.

The Homeopathic Proving will integrate various strategies to improve natural immunity by nourishing Vitaletheine Modulator pathways. A wide range of natural ingredients including proprietary selections of nutrients, botanicals, proteins, and lipids have been carefully formulated to:

  • PROVIDE key nutritional building blocks,
  • SUPPORT balance in the metabolic pathways, and
  • REMOVE environmental pollutants that prevent proper function of the Vitaletheine Modulators.

Sub-nano Pronutrient Substance, Homeopathically Prepared for Injectable Administration.

University researchers discovered the biochemical structure of the Vitaletheine Modulators by isolating and identifying the compound in mammalian livers. Scientists developed a synthetic Vitalethine to “prove” the discovery and began to investigate suspected indications of use for the synthesized Vitaletheine compound provided in animal models. This research-derived “proving” in homeopathic serial dilutions enabled scientists to study responses in otherwise healthy mice.

Ironically, synthetic vitalethine’s proving was at an infinitesimal concentration (sub-nanonutrient or <10-15 M), well within the range of a homeopathic remedy (“law of infinitesimals”) that supports natural immune response. The senior research scientist, realizing that a similar proving of an activated form derived from Vitalethine (<10-12 M) was discovered within a homeopathy premise of the law of similars, further observed the serial dilutions were in accordance with the law of infinitesimals and required a “minimum dose”. This novel sub-nano homeopathic attenuation of a pronutrient substance provides an activated and potentized form of natural Vitalethine to support humoral immunity. Thus, this classically discovered substance has been homeopathically innovated and now will be subjected to additional “proving” in accordance with fundamental tenets of homeopathy as first defined by Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century.